Two weeks ago, I got to experience my first-ever self-care masterclass with Puremaven. Despite having virtual meetings as the norm for the past two years, I’ve never participated in a virtual class that’s solely focused on self-care before, so I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical: I wasn't sure what to expect. Pampering via Zoom? 🤔 I’m used to relying on YouTube and social media for self-care advice so this was definitely out of my comfort zone. I honestly didn't think I’d be able to engage for about an hour without getting distracted (maybe that's just my ADHD talking). The term “masterclass” can be a little overwhelming, but #spoileralert: the class proved to be very intimate and quite informative, and as another participant described it, “a really relaxing and great experience”. I felt the hour just fly by, and this masterclass - focused on scalp-care and hosted by licensed hairstylist and long-time clean-haircare expert Brianna Davis - was the most fun and engaging virtual session of any kind I’ve had in a very long time!
Feeling connected with others: At the start, it was great to have an understanding of who the instructor was and what their qualifications were. More importantly, I was able to open myself up to the experience because of the way Brianna conducted herself: her friendly and welcoming demeanor allowed me to trust in her expertise and made me want to maximize the experience. I enjoyed the quick chat with all of the participants before we jumped right in because it eased a lot of my nerves and helped to make each one of us more comfortable. It’s amazing how learning even a little bit about the others made me feel connected and included in the experience.
I felt “seen” and acknowledged: Although Brianna was the expert - Maven, as they’re called - running the masterclass, I still felt as though I was being guided rather than just following along. Filling out the intake forms prior to the session allowed my voice and concerns to be heard without being singled out (I am definitely not the person that wants to broadcast their dry scalp problems 😆 ). Brianna even included a slide during the class that highlighted anonymized data from the intake forms we filled out. It was comforting knowing that Brianna took the time to get to know each participant and what their hair goals were to make the class more useful for us all. Beauty is not one-size-fits-all, so it was nice to see that each person had their concerns on our Maven’s radar.
Photo: Maven Brianna during demo portion of the masterclass
Getting hands-on was fresh and fun: When you hear “virtual”, “hands-on” isn’t the default follow-up to that, yet the class felt very interactive, especially during the demo portion. We received a lot of knowledge about general hair care as well as incorporating oils and dry brushing into our routine. I thought it was an amazing idea to incorporate actual products into the session for each participant because I felt more connected to the experience (in this case, it was two products from Brianna’s Conscious Crown clean-haircare product line - a scalp exfoliator and a micro-dose of organic hair oil). Using products during the masterclass was wonderful for people like me who may have trouble staying entertained. Even though each person was physically separated by distance, we all came together to share the same self-care experience.
I’m confident I can do it on my own after the masterclass: Brianna did a phenomenal job making sure that each person had an opportunity to ask questions and get clarity. She made sure that everyone had the tools and instruction necessary to recreate the experience on their own. Having the chance to interact with an expert in real-time is incredibly valuable, especially when they can provide specialized advice, and I’d take this any day over scouring the internet for answers to my questions.
As the hour drew to a close and Brianna was concluding the masterclass, she asked each participant how we felt during the experience, letting me reflect on the past hour and really think about how I can incorporate what I have learned into my self-care routine. Between getting to know everybody on the call, feeling guided by a professional with her expert yet gentle and friendly way, it was difficult to turn away. Most importantly, I just felt really encouraged to do more self-care, which was both enlightening and empowering.
I guess the question now is: when’s my next masterclass? 😊
#BeKindToYourself @puremaven @theyard